Sue Johnson. Mixed Media Artist from Rutland. https://www.instagram.com/suejohnsonstudio/
Robert Fogell. Artist, Commissions welcome. from Rutland. https://www.robfogell.co.uk/
Sharon Ingram. Mixed Media Artist from Northamptonshire. https://www.northantsopenstudios.co.uk/nos/artist.php?id=284
Gordon James. Photographer from Northamptonshire. http://gordonjames.uk/
Vintage Displays. Giving life to vintage artifacts from Northamptonshire. https://www.vintage-displays.co.uk/
Auctions ​
WH Peacock Auction and Valuers in Bedfordshire. 01234 266366 www.peacockauction.co.uk​
WEA Online and in venue course for adults www.wea.org.uk
Nene Valley Brewery Independent Brewery producing a wide range of cask, keg, bottled and canned beers nenevalleybrewery.com
Builders Merchants
JW Clark Ltd Plant Hire, Grab Hire, Aggregates and Ground Work 01933 628273 www.jwclarkltd.co.uk
Nene View Cut Flowers – https://www.instagram.com/nene_view_cut_flowers/
J and L Country Crafts
The Sweet Treat Factory https://www.thesweettreatfactory.co.uk
Greedy Gordon Group – https://greedygordons.co.uk
Injabulo –https://www.injabulo.com
Iris & Mabel https://www.instagram.com/_irisandmabel_/
Anna’s Angels
Skinny Slabs – https://www.skinnyslabs.co.uk